Saturday, 1 March 2008

Daywatch (1)

I can't tell you what this film was about because I couldn't bear to watch it all - something about the Light Ones fighting the Dark Ones, and involving vampires and an ancient piece of chalk that makes things written with it come true.

This is a Russian film that has been very poorly dubbed in English with a Russian accent. The vocal emotion hardly ever matches the scene; it's like they were just reading the script. Plus sometimes the English is a little "odd". I would have preferred it to be in Russian with subtitles so that the actors would be able to provide better voices. That would have at least doubled the film rating, to a 2.

There is a lot of good camerawork, some crazy costumes, and event some interesting effects - racing a car across the face of a building, bullet time destruction of a building. Sadly, these were not able to keep me watching the film so it is only rated a 1 (it was so bad, I stopped watching it). I wonder if it is a big hit in Russia?

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