Friday, 16 May 2008

Alien Vs Predator 2 (6)

When writers are desperate, they sometimes resort to the secret chamber below the bottom of the barrel and brings characters from other films together, usually to fight. Like Godzilla versus Mothra, this is Alien versus Predator. The goods news was that I had low expectations, and it lived up (or down) to them so I wasn't disappoint. It's a 6 (just enjoy the monsters, the fights and guns and ignore everything else).

A Predator (an alien species that hunts for fun) spaceship is carrying Aliens (wildly dangerous bugs) past Earth but when one escapes and creates on board havoc, the ships crashes on Earth. Conveniently, it crashes in a remote forest town. The aliens escape and begin multiply. A predator meanwhile receives the crash signal, and goes (probably just for the hunt, not a rescue). As more and more of the town folk get killed, the heroes all cluster into a gun store and battle their way out. But spooks in the military has other plans.

This film is very dark - not the story line, the filming. It mostly takes place at night, in the rain, and I wonder if they over did the black just too much. The humans are all just cannon fodder, neither species cares about them and neither did I, they were just cardboard characters to be cut down. I didn't really care for the heroes but that probably shows little I was involved in the film, and hence that it turned out better that I had hoped. I suggest it is watched with similar low expectations and it will happily suffice.

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