I'm not really a fan of royalty films; maybe I like cheering for the underdog and seeing them triumph. And so it was with this film set in 1585 in the royal court of Queen Elizabeth I. Still, it was better than I expected, 7 (as long as you enjoy sumptuous filming and stilted romances).

Queen Elizabeth (Cate Blanchett) is chased by suitors who want to marry her where all marriages are based solely on what political alliances it will form. However she also wants someone to love who is her equal. Then she meets the adventurous and exciting Sir Walter Raleigh, but he is an explorer and she can only hold him as a guest in her court and go no further. His womanising with other court woman, and her frustration with the freedom they have lead to her broken heart. Meanwhile, the Spanish are deployed a fleet a cannon toting battle ships which are heading to the Thames to conquer London and then rule the UK. Her own meagre fleet is losing badly, and even desperate measures, fire boats, are not working. Exciting battle scenes ensue.

The filming is rich, the costumes even more so, the sea warfare satisfying slow and artistic, the political maneuverings interesting, but still, this film is just a little too much stilted. Everyone's emotions is held in check, even in the Queens battle cry (I don't think Blanchett is very good at such things). In the court scenes every has a well defined, and strict, social status and role. It was the people who broke this, like the assassins, were the most interesting characters and lead to the very best moments, like the assassination attempt. Of course, there is probably next to nothing that is factually correct and because it is American, I half expected an American fleet to save the day at the end but for once, they didn't go that far!

Still, enjoyable - just don't expect a heart pounding adventure or romance, it is all slightly muted.
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